I Have Keys!

Keys make work quite a bit easier.  And I'm meeting with my mentor tomorrow morning.  Answers--hooray!

But the best thing was that I met all my co-faculty today and I ate lunch with them!  (Chipotle, my first time.)  They seem thrilled to have our new principal--I guess last year was rough--and they've been really friendly to me.

Also, I am getting the slightest kick from the realization that I don't have to do laminating for the whole school anymore.  (If you work in a school, you know that laminating is one of the high priorities at the start of the school year.)




ccr in MA said…
Yay! Keys are good, making progress is also good. Fingers crossed for you that it just gets better and better.
Kate P said…
Today went really well! I love my mentor. Tomorrow--meetings. Too much information and now that I have things to do, I can't get them done! Oh well, hopefully I'll have something figured out for the first week of classes by Tuesday.
Anonymous said…
Ladybug and I make an annual trip to do all her laminating at a local store about halfway between home and my office. As a school librarian, she has a LOT of laminating. And the line for the two machines is usually out the door of the place.
Kate P said…
Did I know you were married to a school librarian and just forgot??? Happy new school year to her! Laminating is time-consuming because of the heat involved, plus you have to put things through so slowly.

At my previous school, the library was NOT the biggest user of the machine--just the most frequent operator, so others wouldn't KILL it. There were many over-users who just really couldn't use their judgment. I haaaated being asked to laminate cards and posters that were ALREADY laminated!

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