Done Printing, Dishes, Then Bed.

I'm pretty exhausted right now, but I did my four thank-you letters from my screening interview. I forgot there are screening interviews--there are multiple positions open--so later today I will fax and mail my letters and let the holding my breath for a callback commence.

In the meantime, I do think it went fairly well. I answered as thoughtfully as possible, but I pretty much tried to be myself and flex my library muscles for them. I didn't expect that they'd be looking for copies of transcripts/recommendations/whatever extras at that point, and I don't think I've provided that much for a screening anyplace else. In fact, I'm pretty sure I was asked for some of those things from HR as they processed me to start my previous position at the high school a year and a half ago. So I'm hoping that's not a mark against me.

I found it a little odd the person after me was laughing loudly (nervously?) and didn't seem dressed for an interview from what I could tell at my distance on the other side of the (nicely appointed) high school library as I did my writing sample. I heard her telling her life's story ("This is sort of a third career for me") as I walked out. I'm kind of hoping she's angling for the lower grade level position--that said, if it came down to the lower grade level position or no position offered, then I'd be right there. I like second graders and they like me. (And for some reason they are crazy about The Beatles. Ask around and you'll see.)

I will say I'm wondering if it was a good omen that there was a question at trivia night on Tuesday (where our team won the whole thing, yay) that revolved around "big cats," and one in particular, and it then it so happened that I went to this school to interview. . . and that same big cat is their team name. Hmmmmm.

This universe is just too mysterious. I'm gonna go do a sure thing like load the dishwasher and then hit the hay.


ccr in MA said…
Oh, the cat connection sounds like a good omen to me! I will continue to cross fingers for you. Glad it went pretty well.
Dave E. said…
I'm glad to hear that it went well, Kate, and I'm sure that the big cat thing is just good karma.
Anonymous said…
Hope you did well! Prayers for you! Good luck!
Rob said…
Continued Good Luck, Kate. I'm pulling for you. :)

Rob said…
Continued Good Luck, Kate. I'm pulling for you. :)


PS - Sorry if this is a duplicate. Not sure what happened with the first attempt.
Kate P said…
Thanks, Rob. (After a post is about 5-6 days old the comments go into moderation. Sorry about that.)

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