As Promised, a Catch-up Post
Sorry to hit everybody with numbered lines, but I figured it's the quickest way to catch up. Some of these things need more said about them in posts of their own--I'm still processing. But here goes.
1. Summer program is finally over. With the (grudging) help of the business accounting person, the numbers finally came out right and everybody's getting paid. Including me so I can pay for the chiropractor who undid the giant stress knot in my upper back, as well as purchase the long-in-coming back-up for the laptop (only took me ten months to find a way to pay for one). The kids were O.K. in my program except the boys kept wanting to talk about dead people and just dash off their activities. Until they found the big reference book on the Olympics which kept them occupied while the girls enjoyed the activity. Whatever works.
2. The Cat did well during her vet exam, but her white count is still low. It makes me a little paranoid about the times she runs out into the hallway, or what's being tracked in with my shoes or whatever. I worry she could pick some bug up or something. Plus she got all picky about her food again, so today I switched it. She definitely liked Chicken and Trout--she was licking her chops and giving herself a good wash afterwards!
3. I have been reading a ton of books and I can hardly wait to tell you all about them.
4. The biggest thing is that I got called into a meeting with the Powers That Be this week. Of course, my home voicemail went down for over a day, giving me no access to the message requesting the meeting, so that was an auspicious start. As was getting around all the road construction near home as I rushed to get to school.
The upside is that I still have a job.
The side I'm not sure about yet is that it's not going to be the same job anymore. And the story is the same for my co-librarian, although I'm surprised she hasn't contacted me in any way yet.
So. . . still more to come, for sure.
CCR--thanks, and yes, it is. Will keep you posted.