Where I've Been
* On vacation all last week
* On an airplane for the first time in seven (7!) years
* Down South
* Visiting friends, including one smiley cutie-pie kiddo & two cats crazed by the catnip toy I brought
* Back at work yesterday, where all the wrongs I did in taking last week off were brought to my attention, repeatedly, replete with evidence of complete (passive-aggressive) neglect of my department
* At Target this morning to soothe my broadsided sensibilities with music and more music
Where I'm going: off to do some resume' work before choir practice
* On an airplane for the first time in seven (7!) years
* Down South
* Visiting friends, including one smiley cutie-pie kiddo & two cats crazed by the catnip toy I brought
* Back at work yesterday, where all the wrongs I did in taking last week off were brought to my attention, repeatedly, replete with evidence of complete (passive-aggressive) neglect of my department
* At Target this morning to soothe my broadsided sensibilities with music and more music
Where I'm going: off to do some resume' work before choir practice
Cullen--temps in the 90s. But I was having too much fun to notice most of the time.