She Said It Well

It's a question that has been asked often as of late, I think.

"Why be Catholic?" by Red Cardigan

It's pretty much all there, at least as to how I feel. Things have not been easy for Catholics lately. . . events and comments have hurt. We hurt. Anybody who thinks we are shrugging at this stuff is mistaken. Or not looking closely enough.

I'm really not a great apologist or theologian--I tend to say more by what I do than what words I use. Heck, I don't even claim to be a decent Catholic, unless that means a Catholic who tries her best to serve the Lord and her brothers and sisters, and acknowledges her sins and tries to make reparation for them. I'm down with that.

I don't really use my blog for evangelism, and I hope everyone who reads it feels welcome here. And if anyone ever has a question, I hope he or she feels comfortable with asking. All I can do is try to answer as best I can.

It really pains me that some people would look at the devout, devoted priests I love--my pastor, the parish assistant who administers not only to our parish but also to hundreds of high school students as school president, a former parish assistant who is one of my dad's best friends, the pastor of the other church where I sing, several of my classmates from college--and automatically call them abusers.

It hurts. And I don't know what there is to do about it.

Except keep showing up, every day.


Dave E. said…
I remember when Pope John Paul II died almost exactly five years ago. I had come in from doing yardwork that afternoon and turned on the TV to see live coverage from Rome, where it was already night.

That coverage repeatedly showed the large bell at St. Peter's tolling, and I had an epiphany while watching it ring. I strongly felt something profound and ancient and with very deep roots.

Over the last five years I have still not entirely reconciled myself with the church, but I have come to respect much of the reason, intellectual rigor, and love behind the church's doctrine. Many of its critics display none of those qualities in their criticisms over doctrine, and it's obvious to anyone willing to closely and honestly look.

The human failings of some leaders of the church are hard to deal with, but they do not undermine the reason and love that is at the the core of Catholicism.

The church must be much more diligent about enforcing the codes of conduct and trust going forward, but the failings of some should not taint the very real devotion of millions of those who are faithful, nor the centuries of profound philosophical and theological thought.
Kate P said…
That was powerful, Dave. Thanks for sharing all of that. You made some great points.

Could you imagine if we threw away the government every time there was a "scandal" by an official? What version would we be on by now? Or would we lose the entire country?
Dave E. said…
Yep. Like you said, just because some politician is corrupt doesn't mean we throw away elections or the Constitution. Just because some leaders in the church have failed terribly does not mean those who are faithful must throw away 2000 years of carefully reasoned doctrine.
Kate P said…
You know what's interesting? My pastor indirectly talked about this during his homily today. While working in preaching on the Gospel and directing it toward the (small) Pre-Cana group that was there. He's pretty amazing with that stuff.

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