Check Your Halloween Candy Supply
Please tell me you're not giving out any of these.
". . . for in this queer world of ours, fatherly and motherly hearts often beat warm and wise in the breasts of bachelor uncles and maiden aunts. . ."--Louisa May Alcott, Eight Cousins
wv: "hester"
woohooo! a real word!
No, it will be the old standards at my house, just like always. That way if the trend of very few kids showing up continues I can eventually eat up the leftovers. Not to mention that me eating High School Musical Strawberry Pop Rockin' Candy is almost certainly one of the signs of the Apocalypse.
Dave--The picture of the gummy body part was sooooo creepy. As for the HSM candy, drink soda with 'em and you can put yourself out of your misery (as the urban legend goes).