Mixed Results

I've spent the past two nights configuring my new TV, cable box, and DVD/VCR. So far, I can. . .
  • watch TV
  • watch HD channels (woo-hoo!)
  • watch DVDs

I can't, however, watch anything through the VCR. I get sound but no picture, which makes me think either a connection is in the wrong spot, or I need one more cable I didn't know I needed. Tomorrow I'm going to stop by my parents' (they have all the same components except the HD stuff) to take a look at where all their cables are connected.

I taped last week's White Collar on my old TV/VCR, but I can't watch it. Rats. Guess I'll start on E.B. before I go wash dishes and try to get myself to bed at a decent hour.


ccr in MA said…
I think you're doing really well! With my current configuration, I can watch tv, watch a dvd, or watch a videotape (after moving one cable). I can't record, though I've found I can painlessly live without that most of the time.

Still, I'm very nervous of what will happen during the Fios set-up. Will he set up anything but the tv? This stuff is so complicated!
Dave E. said…
"I get sound but no picture, which makes me think either a connection is in the wrong spot, or I need one more cable I didn't know I needed."

Or video input selection, but puzzling through that kind of stuff is best done on site. Good luck!

wv: thersti

...and with a beer.
Annie Coe said…
I agree with Dave. Good luck and have fun.
Kate P said…
CCR--yeah, it seems needlessly complicated. FiOs took a long time to install but I'm pretty happy with it.

Dave--the TV seems "aware" of which inputs have connections and dims the ones with no cords. . . that said, I have two video input options when I should have only one. Um, I think. Based on what my parents' setup is, I am hoping that plugging the video cable into the cable box will fix it.

Annie--thanks! It is kinda fun. :)

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