Patchwork Post

The lousy cold, or whatever it is, lingers. Mostly it's a dull headache that OTC pain relief isn't touching, and the occasional feverishness (febrility?). This might be a seasonal thing because it feels like what had in April, and in April/May the year before. Weird! So, anyway, I'm having a hard time constructing a cohesive post, so this is just what's on my mind tonight:

Sad to see the end of It Comes in Pints? but glad that the blogging will continue in some form. I have updated the links on the sidebar here at the blog tree-fort.

My professor sent out an e-mail to the class telling us to pick a date for her to come observe us teaching. Yikes. I'm not doing a lot of formal teaching--the high school needs far more of the informal kind (how scary is it that every time I try to type "informal" I type "information" instead?). I honestly am not sure how much I have to show her in terms of teaching. I mean, today I helped a student find articles--using my grad school's library access (so nice to be connected)--and sat in on a talk with a senior about a project. The rest of the day, I was working on a cartoon/video promoting awareness of some library databases--not much direct teaching there, really, but important library stuff for sure. I'm trying not to freak out about being observed. I mean, I can't really prepare for it, and while I don't think Prof. D. is going to tell me I suck and should change my specialization, I'm sure I'll get suggestions about how to improve. Dr. Red tells me I'm doing great. Deep down I think I can do this; I just wish I'd start feeling it.

One of my assignments from Dr. Red is to try using VoiceThread. If I come up with anything decent maybe I'll share. The reason I have an assignment is that it's the Jewish New Year (and a happy and healthy one to whoever is celebrating it) and school is closed. (The irony is, my former company was owned by two families who closed the office on Jewish holidays, until the merger happened and we were handed generic "floating holidays" to take whenever. It's a different vibe when the whole office is closed for one reason. And now I have this special day off again!) On top of that, there's a faculty in-service on Wednesday, so the students are off for two days in a row. I get to attend my first in-service. . . and nobody can tell what it's about from the e-mail that was sent around. So I really don't know what I'm in for on Wednesday.

Tomorrow, though, will be a mix of rest and errands. And schoolwork, of course. I have to go return a book (and pay an overdue fine, I think!) at the library branch near my former work. Not gonna stop in at work, but I might stop at the church up the street for a visit. That used to be my usual Tuesday lunch hour thing, and now I don't have it anymore. Wish I could figure out what I'm going to do in place of that now.

Then again, from time to time I catch myself checking to see if I'm wearing my access card from my former work. I guess I'm still adjusting. In many ways.


Dave E. said…
Wait a minute...wait just a minute. A library overdue fine? My disillusionment is now complete. ;)
Kate P said…
Yeah, don't I sound like the biggest hypocrite??? I had meant to return it before I'd quit my job, but I wasn't finished and this was the first time I was back in the town where I worked.

I am feeling every shameful cent of the $1.35 I owed. But maybe it'll fund some new materials so that's not a bad thing. :)
Dave E. said…
Ah, that was so right down the plate that somebody had to hit it. There's no doubt I've got my own share of "do as I say, not as I do" moments.
Kate P said…
Yeah, I knew I was leaving myself wide open for it, but what can I say? I am nothing if not honest. :)

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