The Friday Five: Positive Edition

There were some really ridiculous moments this week, and combined with my feeling tired and listening to the news too much, it's enough to make a person feel down. I'd much rather talk about five things that went right this week:

1. See previous post (skip to end for success part).

2. I've found a good ally in the substitute teacher who comes to the library and helps out when she doesn't have a class assigned to her. She's a fairly new teacher and looking for a permanent job, so she's been giving me a lot of great advice. She even brought in her portfolio so I could get an idea of how the one I'm assembling for myself during this course could turn out.

3. After 10-15 minutes of misdirected calls and irritating hold music, I finally got the Bursar's office to admit they screwed up my account, to agree to remove the erroneous late fee. When you don't have a job, ten bucks and change matters.

4. I have a new pair of comfy boots for under $25 (not an easy feat--no pun intended--when you wear a 7W).

5. This is perfect timing: thanks to my e-mailed complaint (and probably those of other listeners), Y-Rock apologized for their messed up broadcast during the 8:00 hour and agreed to re-air the program at 10:00. Yippee.

Wishing you a pleasant, static-free weekend.


Anonymous said…
Hi Kate!
I've been away from the internet for a few days...the LSAT was yesterday. I think it went well...but we shall see soon.
I'm glad you found an ally. We all need those at times.
80% percent off...yeah Kate!
Hang in there...I'm sure you will be wonderful. I love libraries and having grown up with a wonderful children's librarian and having not so wonderful librarians at my former college I am so thankful for the great librarians my current college has.
Kate P said…
me posted--you can always e-mail me if you'd rather not be bragging about your scores on the WWW. :)

Thanks for the encouragement. It's weird to be learning and hoping I'm helping students learn, simultaneously.

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