Kitty Resumes Her "Hyper" Meds
After the constant meowing and pawing and racing around, and all sorts of mayhem. . .
. . . I decided it was time to ask the vet about putting The Cat back on her hyperthyroid meds.
Seriously, she fell out of bed--with the bed--at about 3:00 this morning. I heard a crash and sat up in bed, and when I didn't see any furniture fallen over (and my hamper had fallen over the morning before), I got up and looked for the cat.
I found her in the space between my dresser and the wall, wedged behind a box, and she looked shocked. I don't know how she did it. I mean, a few times before, she has taken a running leap onto the dresser where the bed is, and skidded it off the dresser, but I kind of think either she woke up with a start and fell over, or she got up on the wrong side of the bed (for real). After I lifted her out and set her on my bed, she ran off immediately, so she was not hurt. Thank God. But I am tired.

The vet called around 9:15 and gave me the go-ahead. He's happy the steroids seem to be working still, so if they continue to hold up, then I don't have to haul the fuzzball back in for tests for another two weeks.
Which gives her more time to hunt thousand-leggers (ew).
. . . I decided it was time to ask the vet about putting The Cat back on her hyperthyroid meds.
Seriously, she fell out of bed--with the bed--at about 3:00 this morning. I heard a crash and sat up in bed, and when I didn't see any furniture fallen over (and my hamper had fallen over the morning before), I got up and looked for the cat.
I found her in the space between my dresser and the wall, wedged behind a box, and she looked shocked. I don't know how she did it. I mean, a few times before, she has taken a running leap onto the dresser where the bed is, and skidded it off the dresser, but I kind of think either she woke up with a start and fell over, or she got up on the wrong side of the bed (for real). After I lifted her out and set her on my bed, she ran off immediately, so she was not hurt. Thank God. But I am tired.
Checking out a thousand-legger on the ceiling at bedtime last night.
Her bed's in the background.
Her bed's in the background.
The vet called around 9:15 and gave me the go-ahead. He's happy the steroids seem to be working still, so if they continue to hold up, then I don't have to haul the fuzzball back in for tests for another two weeks.
Which gives her more time to hunt thousand-leggers (ew).
Oh, she'll watch the bugs but she's not into catching them anymore. A few seconds and her attention span has ended.
Oooh, I wonder how she'd react to seeing a lizard on the screen. She already hates the chipmunk that teases her on the patio, so I bet she'd go nuts!