The "Virtual Presence" Meeting

This morning, I met with the board member of the library who wanted to get us on Facebook. I'd met her a few weeks ago, briefly, but we hadn't gotten much of a chance to talk because she had to run her sick son in tow (seriously, he looked like death warmed over) to the doctor.

She is awesome.

We can talk to each other like regular human beings. She knows technology and isn't afraid to use it. She's super-smart, and very open--as in, we actually had a discussion and she listened to my concerns. She's also a writer, of science fiction (even offered that she knew an editor when my novel is ready. . . yeah, still waiting on that data DVD). Reminded me a lot of Jen, looks-wise (but lighter in eyes and hair color)--and in fact she mentioned she'd just downloaded Wil Wheaton's new book! Weird coincidence!

The agreed-upon concerns about FB were mostly about content, keeping it up to date, and monitoring. Lots of monitoring--and who will do it? We realized there was no main contact e-mail address for the library (!), which means we'd have to create a generic one in order to set up an account on FB. Library needs one, anyway, so good.

I think she might be coming around on Twitter, after kind of scoffing at it last time. . . now, if I could just convince the library to give me a few more paid hours, I'd willingly set up and be the main contributor to a library blog to which tweets can point as needed. Might not win that battle, but it won't hurt to ask.

The other thing we talked about was the upcoming Open House that we don't quite have a handle on. Every time I'm in, I'm checking on stuff for that, and so far the middle school music people have been unresponsive--what's the point of having the grand unveiling of the new YA section when there are no teens to be found? I admitted I felt broadsided by the whole Open House thing, upon which she promptly quipped, "We all were broadsided by it!"

Nice to know it's not just the staff feeling the burden. She asked about holding a raffle at the Open House, which totally hadn't occurred to me. Yet, anyway. When she suggested giving away an iPod, I laughed and told I'd just bought mine the other week and I was pretty sure I was the last person in town to get one. That made her laugh, too. Now we're thinking video game or music gift cards.

That was a very pleasant hour/hour and a half--then I got slammed with the task of writing an article for the monthly local paper, with a deadline of Thursday. Yeah, I was working only until 2:00, and I was busy with Open House stuff and computer users who thought I was as well-versed with the system as my co-worker at the desk next to me (not coming in until evening).

Finished the article at home about an hour ago, although I'm sure most of it will be changed by the time it goes to the newspaper. I didn't have any idea what the parameters were, and I felt weird writing about myself, but in any event. . .

. . . that's an hour of work at home that I'm counting towards my seventeen for the week. Short workday for me on Friday!


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