No Spoilers, Just My Opinion
Saw the new "Indy" movie today with some former co-workers. Excellent cast, spectacular effects, weak storyline. Anybody else catch it yet? What did you think?
". . . for in this queer world of ours, fatherly and motherly hearts often beat warm and wise in the breasts of bachelor uncles and maiden aunts. . ."--Louisa May Alcott, Eight Cousins
(set your expectations low and have fun)
Rick(y)--Honestly, if I had spent $12 on my ticket, my annoyance would've been a bit higher. But low expectations and just being in it for fun are a good start. (I also wonder if anybody else thought the kid's name was "Mud" if you couldn't read the embroidery on his jacket. Everyone I was with thought so!)
Yeah, I thought he said his name was Mud at first, too! Until I caught the embroidery on his jacket.
What set the tone for me, besides the warehouse scene.. was the amazing refrigerator. From that point on, I knew I was watching a cartoon.
The plot was pretty weak. It was enjoyable, but I thought "Iron Man" was better. It was like this movie couldn't decide if it wanted to be Indiana Jones or Romancing the Stone. Romancing the Crystal Skull??
"Romancing the Crystal Skull"--heh heh heh. Works for me.