I rewrote my introduction letter on my lunch hour--sitting in the car at the very crowded township park--and filled out the online application to the best of my ability. Hit the "submit" button and. . .
Blank page.
No "Thank you. Your form has been submitted." No date and time stamp. For a school that brags about its technology I find this highly incongruous. Not to mention freaking unnerving. I haven't even had the temerity to close the window yet. The mini-marshmallows that fed my writing skills are threatening to come up (a little). Well, I e-mailed my program advisor about it (the form, not the marshmallow problem), and that's all I can do. The deadline is tomorrow, so hopefully that takes care of it.
I guess now I should start looking at my schoolwork for the week. Whew.
UPDATE 05/15/2008: After I finally got my internet back (and honestly I wish I could get those 30 minutes with the tech support lady back), I received an e-mail from my program advisor saying she did get my application. Yaaaaay!!!
Blank page.
No "Thank you. Your form has been submitted." No date and time stamp. For a school that brags about its technology I find this highly incongruous. Not to mention freaking unnerving. I haven't even had the temerity to close the window yet. The mini-marshmallows that fed my writing skills are threatening to come up (a little). Well, I e-mailed my program advisor about it (the form, not the marshmallow problem), and that's all I can do. The deadline is tomorrow, so hopefully that takes care of it.
I guess now I should start looking at my schoolwork for the week. Whew.
UPDATE 05/15/2008: After I finally got my internet back (and honestly I wish I could get those 30 minutes with the tech support lady back), I received an e-mail from my program advisor saying she did get my application. Yaaaaay!!!
(word verify - "ukwvks" - the first thing you say with your mouth full when the computer erases an hour's worth of your work)